Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fresh vegetables! My kingdom for fresh vegetables!

Tomato, Cherokee Purple OGIt is almost February in Minnesota and although Mother Nature has been kind to us of late, it is still winter and I long for my vegetable garden again. I have already begun the grand scheme and my lovely husband has joined in my pursuit of a bigger and better garden this year. So far, we are planning to raise several varieties of heirloom potatoes. Daughter #1 has chosen the 'All Blue' variety and I have chosen the 'German Butterball'. (I hope I do not turn into a butterball eating them!) My lovely husband would like a solid red potato and has chosen 'Sangre'!
Of course we will grow tomatoes, too! We are still enjoying the canned tomatoes from last summer! The 'Cherokee Purple' was a family favorite and we will plant them again this year, along with plenty of beautiful peppers, kale and collards!
Oh for a fresh vegetable from my garden right about now! What I would not give for the sun drenched taste of a fully ripened tomato today.

Monday, January 16, 2012

League of Extraordinary Women

God, I had the most ah-mahz-ing party on Saturday. There was the usual yummy food and drink, kids running about, pizza in the oven for them, but that was not what made this a memorable event. It was all of my fabulous friends. These women are the most intereseting, funny and intelligent women I know (save one or two that could not be with us that night). I could talk to them for hours and hours and hours, and never get tired of their stories and insight. Each one of them is very special to me. What better way to celebrate another year on Earth, than to bring them all together and celebrate them as a group. We all had such a good time that I was asked to organize another event and thank goodness, too, because the winters can be so long in Minnesota.

Monday, January 9, 2012


For several years now, I have wanted to get a tatoo. I wanted to commemorate the 3-day walk I did with my friend Marilyn in 2008, but I didn't have a vision for the tattoo. My good friend, Elise has one that I just love. It has her daughter's name it in. I have to daughters and their names are really much too long to combine into one tattoo, I think, unless I run it down my back, which is a possibility I suppose.
Then, I wanted to celebrate the end to my 50th year. It was a very good year with many wonderful happenings, but I still didn't have a vision.
I think I have my vision now, or perhaps it is a combination of several visions. I need to find an artist and get to work. I will post photos of options and how I see them coming together when I find them. Right now, it is late and my poor little laptop is acting exhausted and does not want to cooperate with my searches right now.
Good night.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


If this past year has taught me anything, it is that when you focus on a single goal, you can accomplish anything.  I had no idea how powerful this concept was until I accomplished a major life goal last year. It wasn't easy and it was frustrating at times and at times it was so much fun. What I know for sure now, is that if I apply that same level of focus to anything else, I will definitely be successful.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Flexing my creative muscles

Today was a very good day! I enjoyed flexing my creative muscles working on a team challenge presentation, and #1 daughter and I went to another workout class tonight at the YMCA (bodypump)!
Also, I am an official member of Toastmasters as of today ( I got my member number via email) and I won the trophy for best 'Table Topics' speech. All this on only the 2nd workday of the year. woo hoo.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Group Cycle to start the new year

Went to 'Group Cycle' at the YMCA tonight with #1 daughter. How much fun is that!?! We were both exhausted, but in a good way!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Spring (Winter) Cleaning

I must have a case of 'cabin fever' already with this first spate of Minnesota cold. I spent most of this afternoon cleaning my kitchen. Didn't mean to do it, just started pulling out unused items to give to Goodwill and the next thing I knew, I had drawers and cabinets empty and the 409 cleaner out! I'll have to remember to buy stock in the Clorox company.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The best New Year's Eve Party EVER

I would love my first post of the new year to be thoughtful, insightful and all things brainy, but I just want to say how fabu last night's NYE party was. It was so sad that Ms. L could not make it, but we send her all our love and promise to do a re-take soon. All friends and family had Mr.G's amazing lamb shanks and I served up home made green chili/chicken tamales. Yumm-o! What a way to start my next best year! There was music and dancing and all parties arrived at their final destinations safely. Thank you to all who rang in the new year, both here and around the country.
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